9 things management consultants know that most people don’t

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 Consulting gives you exposition to wide range of stressful, strategic sisutation that would be difficult to experience in a normal job, thus you acquire certain skills that make you work faster on the rigth things. Once you swtich from consulting to business you have the impression as if you were witnessing a movie put at a slow motion. My favourite pick of things that you learn in consulting below

How to become top notch consultant

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Being at the top is always a mixture of skills, hard-work, knowledge and luck. The first two are within your control. The last one is a bit out of your control but you still can influence it. Below I will try to explain what you have to do in each and one of these areas.


Skills is what helps you interact with the world around you. In consulting quite ...

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18 steps to being a small business consultant

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How do you grow your small business consulting practice? What skills do you need?

I’ve been a small business consultant a long time, and these are the essentials that have worked for me. I think they’ll work for you, too.

Here are 18 steps to becoming a small business consultant. Whether you call yourself a consultant, coach, advisor or mentor, these steps will help you develop skill sets as well as grow your business.

The Coach-Consultant Concept

A small business consultant works with clients ...

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