Create Your Consulting Client Magnet

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Create Your Consulting Client Magnet

MagnetYou know what happens with a magnet, right? It’s great at attracting metal objects. A magnet is even great at attracting another magnet when it’s North and South sides are drawn closer to each other.

But put the same side of those magnets close to each other and they’ll repel each other.

The same goes for marketing and attracting clients.

You can’t attract everyone.

Your marketing’s purpose isn’t only to attract your ideal clients. It’s also meant to repel clients that aren’t ideal. That’s your consulting client magnet

“Are you serious?” you ask. I certainly am.

Would you rather have to pick up the phone 100 times and speak to 50 ideal clients and 50 non-qualified buyers? Or just the 50 ideal buyers?

The best marketing takes a stand. It’s not for everyone. And so it’s okay if some people don’t find it a ‘fit’. That’s totally cool my friend.

We can’t be all things to all people.

Take a Stance

Get clear on who your ideal clients are. Create your intellectual property for them. Don’t try to tip toe around. Take a clear stance.

You’ll always have people that aren’t your ideal clients ‘along for the ride.’ You don’t need to kick them out, but you definitely don’t have to cater to them.

Because the more that you focus on your ideal clients the more your message with resonate with them. And it’s okay if the others that see your message don’t ‘get it’.

You’ll always have people that aren’t your ideal clients ‘along for the ride.’ You don’t need to kick them out, but you definitely don’t have to cater to them. You cater to your ideal clients – because they are the ones that will ultimately engage you and become clients.

So if you find that you’re getting too many emails from me (or too FEW!) I welcome you to let me know. I do appreciate all the feedback and consider all of it.

It’s awesome to have you along for the ride and I hope you’re enjoying it and getting value from it.

What are your thoughts? How are you dealing with this in your business?

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